地震活動解析ソフトウェア XETAS
How to compile and install
% cd /home/hogehoge
% cat xetas_20180803.tar.gz | gunzip | tar xvf -
% cd etas/src
Edit Makefile
% make
How to set environments
If you install to /home/hogehoge/etas,
add PATH /home/hogehoge/etas/bin and
set environmental variables in the following.
Prepare a Catalog
File name is xlist.dat
tsuru-no-MacBook-Air-4:nagano20141122 tsuru$ head xlist.dat
2014 11 18 18 29 32.41 137.8903 36.6978 4.77 2.8
2014 11 18 18 40 7.79 137.8902 36.6985 4.86 2.2
2014 11 18 18 57 36.03 137.8915 36.6965 5.24 1.5
Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Lon Lat Dep Mag
How to Run
% xetas.sh
% xetas.sh xlist.dat
Ogata, Y., & Tsuruoka, H. (2016).
Statistical monitoring of aftershock sequences: a case study of
the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake. Earth, Planets and Space, 68(1).